Exclusively Published by High Priestess!
Lifting The Veil With The Fae is a guidebook about how to embody the Fae Priestess.
There's information about the Fae, including the type of Fae we're focusing on in the box, and the history of the Fae Folk. We discuss how to embody the Fae Priestess with practices such as calling elemental Fae into your home, and creating a wand.
Our magical focus for this book is Lifting the Veil - the Fae often act as conduits and messengers between their plane of existence and ours. We discuss how you can communicate with the other side, and how you can use tools like pendulums and ouija boards to do it.
If you’d like to really explore your connection with the realm of the Fae, we recommend grabbing a set of our Fae Ritual Cards!
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