Collection: Attend an Event

Want to Attend an Event?

If you're looking for connection with other like-minded witches and pagans, our events are perfect for you. We run all types of events, from full moon rituals to our very exciting Witch School. Check out some of our upcoming events below - they're inclusive and supportive experiences that welcome people new to the craft, and we'd love to see you there!

  • Witch School 2025

    The sold-out sensation of 2023 returns! Witch School will be back, bigger and better in 2025. More classes, more teachers, more fun!

    Melbourne, 7 - 8 June, 2025

    Click here to book.

  • Glastonbury 2024

    Discover the magic of the Celtic pagans during the Northern Hemi's Samhain! This is a once-in-a-lifetime trip to connect with the deep mysticism of Avalon and Celtic witchcraft. Payment plans available!
    Click here to book.