High Priestess: Dedicant

High Priestess: Dedicant - 8 Week Course. 
(WitchPay: $125 / fortnight for 4 fortnights)


A Dedicant is a person who dedicates themselves to learning about the Craft. They are placing themselves on the path to knowledge, but not yet initiating into any particular path or tradition.

Over 8 weeks, we’ll deep dive into the foundations of Witchcraft; from its history to its resurgence, the basics of protection and shadow work, how to create altars and consecrate items, spellcrafting and performing rituals, elemental magic, manifestation and more.

Basically - it’s everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Witchcraft, PLUS personal guidance and mentoring from a Witch.

This course begins on July 11th, 2024 at 11am. Calls are every week at the same time. 

Each week, you’ll meet for a 90 minute Zoom to discuss the coursework, ask questions, share experiences and receive assignments (don’t worry, we get that you have other commitments so we’ve designed these to be as manageable as possible). Each session will be recorded so you’ll have the option to catch up on missed calls or return to the material if you need.

Your guide for this journey will be Jade Pullar. Jade is a shadow worker, lunar witch, and our resident spellcrafter at High Priestess. Some of you may remember her from Witch School, where she taught Walking the Shadows. Jade has a passion for empowering women and helping new-witches find their way. She is an experienced course facilitator (this will be her second round of running Dedicant) and with her guidance, you will gain insights and wisdom that will enrich your path in the Craft.

It’s time for you to start living the life you were meant to. One filled with magic, gratitude, and empowerment. 

Step into the circle of Dedicant and let the magic begin.

High Priestess: Dedicant (8 Week Course)
Delivery Frequency